2010年12月23日 星期四

Enjoy it

it's cruel but true: enjoy the feeling of losing love. it makes u become more n more strong, n know how to perform better in the next relationship.

enjoy the feeling of losing love. someday u will tease yourself that u hv cried for a man who didnt cherish u. when u r able to do so, u hv already recovered.

enjoy the feeling of losing love. u will know who reli care abt u n who just speak but doesnt act.

enjoy the feeling of losing love. u will realise that there r so many ways to love, apart from owning him. e.g. wishing him can pursue his dream without reservation.

enjoy the feeling of losing love. becoz it is a must b4 u meet the mr. right.

my dear, i know it's too soon to lose u, but at least i know u loved me...for a certain of period.


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