2011年2月2日 星期三

Meant to be

500 days of summer

Tom: you know it sucks? Realizing that everything you've been believing is completely bullshit. It sucks.

Summer: What do you mean?

Tom: Oh you know, destiny, soul mate and true love, and all that childhood fairy tale, non sense. You're right that I should listen to you.

Summer: No...

Tom: Yeah, why are you smiling?

Summer: Tom...

Tom: What? Why do you look at me like that?

Summer: Well, you know. I guess it's just because...I was sitting at a deli and reading ____ and a guy comes up to me and asks me about that. And now he's my husband.

Tom: Yeah, and so?

Summer: So...what if I've gone to the movies? What if I've had...gone to somewhere else for lunch? What if I've gone there 10 minutes later? It was...it was meant to be. And I'd just kept thinking, Tom is right. (No...) Yeah, I did. I did.

Summer: It just wasn't mean that you're right about.


 12. 《地圖上不存在的國家》 買的時候覺得書名和內容都很吸引,買了就沒動力看的書。 13. 全白色拼圖 喜歡拼拼圖,但全白色也太令人崩潰了,買時也不過是鬧着玩的。 14. 角落生物筆記紙 好同事送的,用過一張,但不特別沉迷用卡通圖案的紙張,於是放上網送人。 15.《寫作這回事...